Lan Freedman

Lan Freedman


Lan Freedman’s work is punctuated with human interplay, nuanced performance, and the authentic blend of comedy and other emotions, resulting in effective and entertaining story arcs. Originally intending to pursue a career as a therapist, Lan soon realized the elements he enjoyed – connecting with people and understanding human behavior – could be expressed and experienced in the art of storytelling. He started on the post side of the industry, an experience that continues to inform his work, and then found his ultimate passion in directing.

Lan’s career intensified and his talent gained further recognition when he was named to Shoot New Directors Showcase in 2018. Among his many collaborations, Freedman directed a series of content pieces for Google and YouTube that debuted at Sundance and then rolled out at SXSW challenging the way we tell stories at various lengths, starting at :6 seconds. Lan continues to find inspiration in the ever-changing state of advertising production, chemistry in performance, narrative development, and the joy of storytelling in all forms. When he’s not directing, he is a programmer for the Oak Cliff Film Festival and a mentor for the Pegasus Media Project in Dallas, which aims to empower emerging film, media, and multidisciplinary artists with a special focus on women, ALAANA, LGBTQIA+, veterans, and those with learning differences.